At Caymana Consulting, one of our most prominent areas of concentration includes the healthcare field – including everyone from plastic surgeons, dermatologists and other aesthetic physicians, to spine surgeons, cardiologists, and much more! With an intense concentration in the marketing of healthcare professionals, the Caymana team is often working with integral pieces of software including EMR (Electronic medical record) and EHR (electronic health record) applications.
These vital pieces of healthcare software have completely revolutionized the healthcare industry, allowing doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to say goodbye to piles and piles of paper charts, and medical records, and store their most vital pieces of information.
Healthcare Records & Integrations
One of the most vital aspects of working alongside medical professionals, is understanding such EMR/HER software, as they provide a very helpful lens into the medical practice, as well as its patient base. With years of experience working alongside countless medical practices of all kinds, the team at Caymana has become proficient in almost every type of electronic records software out there. This knowledge allows us to help our practices in a number of different ways, whether it be some minor technical support, or providing us access to vital practice information.
By being able to tap into such healthcare software, it allows us a window into the practice, and the ability to get a thorough, detailed snapshot of the patient database, as well as the practice as a whole! And in terms of marketing, this can be a key advantage for our clients.
From being able to pull patient lists from those patients who might have “opted-in” for future marketing, to being able to comb through lists, gives us a better ideas of patient demographics and census-style information that can be integral in future marketing opportunities. Being able to integrate and connect our native systems to such an environment allows us to afford our clients countless advantages and ensures a strong, somewhat personal connection with our clients to their patients. Some examples of this include:
- Email Blasts & Newsletters
For specialty products & promotions for patients who might meet a certain criteria and those who have opted into future information and mailers.
- Holiday Greetings & Birthday Wishes
Allows our clients to maintain a more personal relationship with their clients, wishing them happy birthday or a happy holiday.
- Patient Reminders
Reminding patients of future appointments, additional treatment sessions, and follow-ups.
- Integrating EMR/EHR programs with social media, and CRM programs
Allowing us to build and foster a relationship with an individual lead, on their way to becoming a full-fledged repeat client.
Over the years, the Caymana Consulting team has worked with a wide variety of EMR & EHR software, helping to not only assist our medical practices operate their day to day operations, but as well as to bolster their marketing for the future as well! Find out how we can help improve your medical practice, as well – for more information or to schedule a consultation be sure to contact Caymana Consulting today.